Relaxations also occur in Catholic churches.
There are also relaxations for churches in the Corona measures. In the future, singing will be allowed again – in liturgical singing and in choral singing. However, the mask requirement and distance rules remain in place.
The Roman Catholic Church has published on Tuesday analogous to the relaxations of the Corona measures the new framework order for services. There is green light from Wednesday on liturgical singing as well as choral singing. Mask obligation and distance rules remain in place. For baptisms and weddings, the previous restrictions will be lifted.
Previous Corona measures remain in place
Because no proof of Corona vaccination, negative testing or recovery is required for indoor or outdoor church services, the previous protective measures, such as the mask requirement, will remain in place. Accordingly, a distance of at least two meters from non-household persons must continue to be maintained during church services, “Kathpress” reported. The wearing of FFP2 masks remains mandatory at church services, disinfectant must be provided in sufficient quantities.
Relaxations also with the Communion distribution
There are not only relaxations in the singing. In the administration of Communion, the words “The Body of Christ – Amen” are now again possible immediately upon the reception of Communion by the faithful. Like first communions and confirmations, they can be celebrated within the framework of the Corona rules for religious services, although a prevention concept and a prevention officer are additionally obligatory for such “religious celebrations on a one-off occasion”.
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